Gagasan Malaysia Baharu 13 Mei 2018

Imagine Dragons - Mad World (Lyrics + Terjemahan)

Monday 17 March 2014

Apa yang Namewee 'carutkan' mengenai #MH370?

Our government did not handle MH370 well enough? Then? I would like to know, what you did to help? Did you find the plane? You knew in the very begining that we need to search the Indian Ocean? Who doesn't know how to talk nonsense? Who doesn't know how to point fingers? Who are you to reprimand us Malaysians? Based on your so-called advanced technology yet still couldn't help in locating the plane? FUCK YOU!!! We KNOW Our own Government, we KNOW our own country! It's our country, it's our government, we know how to deal with our problem. You have no right to criticise us! Please bear in mind, we are victims ourselves, we too have our pride and we are feeling sad too!!! Please stop your stupidity to criticise my motherland and humiliate its citizens! Shut your pie hole! Shut the fuck up! If you are so much more superior than us as you claimed to be, find the plane first, then talk! FUCK OFF !!!

Listen properly, I AM MALAYSIAN! MAS is still Malaysia's pride! I say so! There is nothing to be ashamed of!!! Those who went into hidding and disowned their own country when something bad happened are the truely shameful people! Phui!!! (Spit) Shame on you !!!PUKI !!! NAH !!!

In the meanwhile:


It's sad to see how some Malaysians keep on bashing, blaming, judging the authorities of Malaysia each time they announced any news. It's not an everyday case that we encounter here but I believed they did their very best to find the clue behind the incident and the pressure to prepare the answers to the families.

Can you imagine the burden they carried in their shoulders and how much precaution they have to take before announcing anything?

No, because you are not in their shoes!

That's why it's so easy to judge and bash them for any actions, responses, or announcements in fact they can't simply say anything they want. They desperately wanted to solve this puzzle for the sake of the related families and for the nation more than just to cater YOU, the public's crave for answers.

They are still confuse as much as we do. If you have nothing better to say, just SHUT UP!

Or follow silently, and if you still have a kind heart, say your prayers. Shame on you people who keep on bashing your own country where the fact you still live in it and called yourself Malaysian.

At this time, Malaysia needs support from her people and at this hard time, it really testing our UNITY!

It's just shameful when outsiders look at the ugly inside of the nation, showing how people lacking of respect & love to their own country. Whatever happen Malaysia, you have my support, love and prayers far thousand miles from Sweden!

Be positive, we will find you #MH370!

Keep on #prayforMH370 and their family members to keep strong. Have faith and please keep on praying not blaming (tears*).

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