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Imagine Dragons - Mad World (Lyrics + Terjemahan)

Friday 18 April 2014

'Laluan berhantu' ragut nyawa Karpal Singh

Karpal Singh maut dalam kemalangan awal pagi ini. Berita yang menggemparkan negara ini sudah tentu memberi kesan besar kepada semua rakyat Malaysia. Turut terbunuh, pembantu peribadinya. Kejadian berlaku jam 1.30 pagi di KM301.6 arah utara di Lebuhraya Utara Selatan selepas Gopeng.

Ia juga berlaku dalam 'jajaran maut' KM 293 - 303 yang meragut nyawa ramai orang saban tahun. Laluan ini dikenali sebagai laluan berhantu oleh pemandu bas ekspres dan lori dan mereka yang kerap melaluinya dan memerlukan tumpuan penuh ke atas pemanduan semasa melaluinya.

Walaupun berbeza aliran politik dengan percanggahan seperti langit dan bumi, namun setiap musibah yang setiap menimpa anak Adam itu tentulah menyentuh jiwa kecil ini.

Hakikatnya, kemalangan maut sering terjadi di kawasan dari Tapah hingga Simpang Pulai dalam pemanduan ke Utara dan di jajaran Tanjung Malim hingga Rawang dalam pemanduan ke arah Selatan kerana kelesuan pemandu terutamanya yang memilih untuk tidak berhenti merehatkan badan.

Kini pekerja perubatan sudah mungkin berkali-kali melangkah mayatnya. Petanda hudud semakin hampir untuk ditegakkan.

Apapun takziah diucapkan. Mungkin petanda telah ditunjukkan dengan dia bersungguh nmenyampaikan pesan supaya DAP menentang Hudud ditegakkan di Kelantan.

Veteran opposition MP and lawyer Karpal Singh was killed in an accident near Gopeng in Perak this morning.

His long-time personal assistant Michael Cornelius Selvam Vellu, 39, was also killed.

Karpal's son Ram Karpal and the driver were also injured in the accident which occurred at 1.30am near 301.6 northbound marker along the the North-South Highway.

Malaysiakini learnt that Karpal and his son, who is also a lawyer, were heading north for a court case later today.

Photos taken at the scene of the accident show the white Toyota Alphard badly damaged.

Contacted later, an Ipoh police spokesperson told Malaysiakini that it is believed the MPV collided with a lorry which switched lanes without indication.

Karpal's other son and Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo (left) told The Star that his father had died on the spot.

"My brother Ram is slightly injured but we are trying to get through to him," he added when the daily contacted him at 3.30am.

Karpal, 74, became paralysed and wheelchair-bound after a car accident in 2005.

The vocal politician graduated from University of Singapore and started his law practice before running for Parliament in 1978.

His long tenure as Jelutong MP and fiery speeches in the Dewan Rakyat earned him the moniker "Tiger of Jelutong".

Karpal had recently relinquished his post as DAP chairperson pending the disposal of his appeal against a sedition charge.

Last month, the High Court found him guilty of uttering seditious words against the Sultan of Perak at the height of the constitutional crisis in 2009.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak conveyed his condolences via Twitter.

"I have just landed at Ankara when I heard the news that YB Karpal Singh died in a road accident. My condolences to the family," read the premier's tweet.

Other netizens also expressed condolences and shock over Karpal's passing.

"Shocked and sad news! DAP chairman Karpal Singh passed away in accident tonight. Malaysia has lost a truly patriotic son," wrote Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming.

"Our dear Mr Karpal is no longer with us... I just can't accept it...," said Kulai MP Teo Nie Ching. - MALAYSIAKINI 

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