Alkisah seorang Konglomerat telah menulis satu surat wasiat : "Barang siapa yang dapat menjagaku di dalam kubur setelah Aku mati nanti akan kuwarisi separuh dari harta peninggalanku". Lalu ditanyakanlah hal itu pada anak-anaknya apakah mereka sanggup menjaganya di dalam kubur nanti. Namun anak-anaknya menjawab, "Mana mungkin kami sanggup menjagamu wahai ayah karena pada masa itu ayahpun sudah menjadi mayat". Selang keesokan harinya dipanggillah semua adik-adiknya dan beliau berkata, “Wahai adik-adikku sekalian sanggupkah kamu menjaga aku setelah aku mati nanti selama 40 hari bersamaku di dalam kubur? nanti aku akan memberi setengah daripada hartaku kepada di antara kamu yang sanggup bersamaku. Dan adik-adiknya pun menjawab, “Wahai abangku, adakah engkau sudah gila mana mungkin ada manusia yg sanggup bersama mayat selama itu di dalam tanah.” Lalu dengan sedih Konglomerat tersebut memanggil ajudannya untuk mengumumkan penawaran istimewanya itu ke seantero negeri.
Akhirnya sampai jugalah pada hari di mana konglomerat tersebut kembali ke Rahmatullah. Kuburnya telah dihias dg megah laksana sebuah peristirahatan termewah yg pernah ada dg semua perlengkapannya. Pada waktu yang hampir bersamaan seorang Tukang kayu yang sangat miskin telah mendengar akan wasiat tersebut lalu diberitahu kepada isterinya apakah dia perlu mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menjadi kaya. Isterinya berkata, “Wahai suamiku, apalah artinya menjaga mayat tersebut selama 40 hari dibandingkan kerjamu ketika menebang kayu di dalam hutan dan bertemu dg harimau dan hantu penunggu hutan. Tukang kayu tersebut dengan tergesa-gesa segera datang ke rumah konglomerat tersebut untuk memberitahukan kepada ahli waris konglomerat tersebut akan kesanggupannya. Keesokan harinya dikebumikanlah jenazah Sang Konglomerat, Si Tukang kayu itu pun ikut turun ke dalam liang lahat bersama kapaknya.
Setelah tujuh langkah para pengantar jenazah meninggalkan area pemakaman tsb, maka datanglah Malaikat Mungkar dan Nakir ke dalam kubur tersebut. Si Tukang kayu menyadari siapa yang datang maka Ia segera agak menjauhkan diri dari mayat konglomerat tersebut. Terbetik di fikirannya bahwa sudah tiba saatnya Sang konglomerat tersebut akan diinterogasi oleh Mungkar dan Nakir. Tetapi yg terjadi malah sebaliknya, Mungkar dan Nakir malah menuju ke arahnya dan bertanya "Apa yang kau buat di sini" ?. Aku menemani mayat ini selama 40 hari untuk mendapatkan setengah harta wasiatnya" jawab si Tukang kayu. "Apa harta yang ada pada kau sekarang"? lanjut Mungkar-Nakir. "Aku cuma memiliki sebatang kapak ini saja untuk mencari rezeki" timpal si tukang kayu. Kemudian Mugkar-Nakir beritanya lagi "Dari mana kau dapat kapak ini" ?. "Aku membelinya" balas si tukang kayu. Lalu pergilah Mungkar dan Nakir di hari pertama dari dalam kubur tersebut. Hari kedua Mereka datang lagi dan bertanya "apa yang kau buat dengan kapak ini"?. "Aku menebang pohon untuk dijadikan kayu bakar untuk dijual" sergah tukang kayu. Di hari ketiga di tanya lagi "Pohon siapa yang kau tebang dengan kapak ini?. "pohon itu adanya di hutan belantara jadi ngak ada yg punya" timpalnya. "Apa Kau yakin" lanjut malaikat.Kemudian Mereka menghilang dan datang lagi di hari ke empat. Kemudian Mereka bertanya lagi "Adakah kau potong pohon tersebut dengan kapak ini dg ukurannya dan beratnya yg sama untuk dijual?. "Aku potong dikira-kira saja, mana mungkin ukurannya bisa sama rata" tegas tukang kayu. Begitu terus yg dilakukan malaikat Mungkar Nakir datang dan pergi sampai tak terasa sekarang 39 hari sudah dan yg ditanyakan masih berkisar dg kapak tersebut.
Di hari terakhir yang ke 40, datanglah Mungkar dan Nakir sekali lagi bertemu dengan Tukang kayu tersebut. Berkata Mungkar dan Nakir "hari ini aku akan kembali bertanya soal kapak ini". Belum sempat Mungkar dan Nakir bertanya, si Tukang kayu tersebut malahan dg segera melarikan diri ke atas dan membuka pintu kubur tersebut. Ternyata di luar sdh banyak orang yg menantikan kehadirannya untuk keluar dari kubur tersebut. Namun si Tukang kayu tersebut dengan tergesa-gesa keluar dan meninggalkan mereka semua dan sambil berkata ambillah semua bagian harta wasiat tersebut oleh kalian karena aku sudah tidak menginginkannya lagi.
Sesampai di rumahnya lalu si isteri berkata wahai suami ku, di manakah setengah harta peninggalan konglomerat tersebut. Maka si Tukang kayu menjawab "Aku tidak menginginkannya lagi, di dunia ini harta yg kumiliki padahal cuma semata kapak ini, tapi malaikat Mungkar dan Nakir sampai 40 hari yg mereka tanyakan dan persoalkan masihlah saja di seputar kapak ini. Bagaimana jadinya kalau hartaku begitu banyak...entah berapa lamanya dan bagaimana Aku menjawabnya"
Sahabat Rasulullah saw yg paling kaya ialah Abdul Rahman bin Auf ra. Beliau dikatakan adalah sahabat yang paling terakhir masuk surga karena lamanya masa yg digunakan untuk menghisab beliau, seperti dari riwayat Aisyah ra yg pernah mendengar Rasullullah SAW bersabda "Kulihat Abdurrahman bin’Auf masuk surga dengan perlahan-lahan (merangkak)!” (HR Bukhari)
Dari Ibnu Mas’ud ra dari Nabi Muhammad SAW bahwa beliau bersabda, "Tidak akan bergerak tapak kaki anak Adam pada hari kiamat, hingga ia ditanya tentang 5 perkara yaitu umurnya untuk apa dihabiskannya, masa mudanya, kemana dipergunakannya, hartanya darimana ia memperolehnya & kemana dibelanjakannya & ilmunya sejauh mana diamalkan?" (HR. Turmudzi)
Kaya tidak masalah tapi yang menjadi masalah dari mana harta kita dan untuk apa digunakan.
Mari sama-sama kita mencari rezeki yang halal dan baik serta digunakan dalam jalan kebaikan
Once upon a Conglomerate has written one wills: "anyone who can menjagaku in the grave after I die will be kuwarisi half of the peninggalanku treasure". Then ditanyakanlah it on her children if they are able to take care of her in the Tomb later. However his sons answered, "where possible we are able to menjagamu o father because at that time ayahpun was already a corpse." Hose next day dipanggillah all her sisters and he said, "O adik-adikku you can all keep me after I die later for 40 days with me in the grave? later I will give half of hartaku to any of you who are willing to be with me. And her sisters ever replied, "o my brother, will you have mad where there may be a human corpse was able to reply for it in the ground." Then sadly the Conglomerate calling Commander to announce that special offer to all parts of the country.
Finally got around to it on a day in which the conglomerate returned to Rahmatullah. His tomb was decorated with a magnificent retreat Deluxe a executables yg never be dg all amenities. At about the same time a very poor woodcutter heard the last will and Testament will be told to his wife whether she needs to take this opportunity to get rich. His wife said, "o my husband, what does it mean to keep the corpses for 40 days in comparison to labour when cutting wood in the forest and met with the Tiger and the ghost forest caretaker. The Woodworker with a rush coming soon to the conglomerate's House to inform heirs of the conglomerate will be kesanggupannya. The next day The corpse of dikebumikanlah Conglomerate, the carpenters were joined descends into liang lahat along the axe.
After a seven-step introductory ' funeral leave area pemakaman SW, then come the angels Nakir and Wrong into the grave. SI menyadari Carpenter who came then it immediately somewhat away from the body of the conglomerate. Terbetik in his mind that it the conglomerate are the time Sang diinterogasi by Wrong and Nakir. But yg's going Wrong and in fact on the contrary, in fact heading towards Nakir and ask "what do you do here"?. I accompany the body for 40 days to get half his property "answer si Carpenter. "What property is you now"? more Wrong-Nakir. "I just have this only one axe to find sustenance" timpal si Carpenter. Then Mugkar-Nakir was again "from where you got the axe"?. "I buy it" reply si Carpenter. 42 Go Wrong and Nakir in first day from within the Tomb. The second day They came again and asked "what did you do with the axe"?. "I'm cutting down trees for wood bake for sale" sergah Carpenter. On the third day at ask again "tree of who you're with this slash-axe?." the tree also has in the jungle so there is yg have "ngak timpalnya. "What are you sure" more angels. Then they disappear and come again in the day to four. Then they ask again "do you cut the tree with an axe and the severity of this dg ukurannya similar to sold?." I cut dikira-kira easily, which may equal ukurannya could strictly Carpenter. So yg made the angels Nakir Wrong come and go until it wasn't felt now 39 days already and yg asked still revolves around the dg of the axe.
On the last day of the 40th, come Wrong and Nakir again met with the Carpenter. Says Wrong and Nakir "today I will again ask the question of the axe". Have not been able to Wrong and Nakir asked, si the Carpenter but dg immediately fled to the top and open the door of the Tomb. It turns out many people outside waiting for yg sdh itself to get out of the Tomb. But si Carpenter with rush out and leave them comments and saying take all constructed by the heirs to the property by you guys since I've not menginginkannya again.
Arriving at his home and then the wife said: o my husband, where half the treasure relics of the conglomerate. Then the woodcutter replied, "I don't want it anymore, in this yg treasure world I had but just merely axes, but the angels Nakir and Great-to 40-day and they ask for just masihlah around an axe. How would it be if hartaku so much ... dunno how long and how I answer it "
The companions of the Messenger of Allah most rich is Abdul Rahman bin Auf ra. He said the most recent was a friend to enter Heaven due to the length of time used for menghisab, like from a history of Aisha ra yg never heard Rasullullah said "I saw Abdurrahman bin'Auf go to heaven with slowly (crawl)!" (Narrated By Bukhari)
From Ibn Mas'ud ra of the Prophet Muhammad that he said, "will not be moving footprint of Adam on the day of resurrection, until he was asked about the 5 things i.e. the age for what was spent, his youth, where his origin, he used reluctantly & dibelanjakannya & where their knowledge of the extent practiced?" (Hr. Turmudzi)
Rich is not a problem but a problem of which we are and for what property is used.
Let's together we find halal sustenance and good and flown in the path of goodness
Once upon a Conglomerate has written one wills: "anyone who can menjagaku in the grave after I die will be kuwarisi half of the peninggalanku treasure". Then ditanyakanlah it on her children if they are able to take care of her in the Tomb later. However his sons answered, "where possible we are able to menjagamu o father because at that time ayahpun was already a corpse." Hose next day dipanggillah all her sisters and he said, "O adik-adikku you can all keep me after I die later for 40 days with me in the grave? later I will give half of hartaku to any of you who are willing to be with me. And her sisters ever replied, "o my brother, will you have mad where there may be a human corpse was able to reply for it in the ground." Then sadly the Conglomerate calling Commander to announce that special offer to all parts of the country.
Finally got around to it on a day in which the conglomerate returned to Rahmatullah. His tomb was decorated with a magnificent retreat Deluxe a executables yg never be dg all amenities. At about the same time a very poor woodcutter heard the last will and Testament will be told to his wife whether she needs to take this opportunity to get rich. His wife said, "o my husband, what does it mean to keep the corpses for 40 days in comparison to labour when cutting wood in the forest and met with the Tiger and the ghost forest caretaker. The Woodworker with a rush coming soon to the conglomerate's House to inform heirs of the conglomerate will be kesanggupannya. The next day The corpse of dikebumikanlah Conglomerate, the carpenters were joined descends into liang lahat along the axe.
After a seven-step introductory ' funeral leave area pemakaman SW, then come the angels Nakir and Wrong into the grave. SI menyadari Carpenter who came then it immediately somewhat away from the body of the conglomerate. Terbetik in his mind that it the conglomerate are the time Sang diinterogasi by Wrong and Nakir. But yg's going Wrong and in fact on the contrary, in fact heading towards Nakir and ask "what do you do here"?. I accompany the body for 40 days to get half his property "answer si Carpenter. "What property is you now"? more Wrong-Nakir. "I just have this only one axe to find sustenance" timpal si Carpenter. Then Mugkar-Nakir was again "from where you got the axe"?. "I buy it" reply si Carpenter. 42 Go Wrong and Nakir in first day from within the Tomb. The second day They came again and asked "what did you do with the axe"?. "I'm cutting down trees for wood bake for sale" sergah Carpenter. On the third day at ask again "tree of who you're with this slash-axe?." the tree also has in the jungle so there is yg have "ngak timpalnya. "What are you sure" more angels. Then they disappear and come again in the day to four. Then they ask again "do you cut the tree with an axe and the severity of this dg ukurannya similar to sold?." I cut dikira-kira easily, which may equal ukurannya could strictly Carpenter. So yg made the angels Nakir Wrong come and go until it wasn't felt now 39 days already and yg asked still revolves around the dg of the axe.
On the last day of the 40th, come Wrong and Nakir again met with the Carpenter. Says Wrong and Nakir "today I will again ask the question of the axe". Have not been able to Wrong and Nakir asked, si the Carpenter but dg immediately fled to the top and open the door of the Tomb. It turns out many people outside waiting for yg sdh itself to get out of the Tomb. But si Carpenter with rush out and leave them comments and saying take all constructed by the heirs to the property by you guys since I've not menginginkannya again.
Arriving at his home and then the wife said: o my husband, where half the treasure relics of the conglomerate. Then the woodcutter replied, "I don't want it anymore, in this yg treasure world I had but just merely axes, but the angels Nakir and Great-to 40-day and they ask for just masihlah around an axe. How would it be if hartaku so much ... dunno how long and how I answer it "
The companions of the Messenger of Allah most rich is Abdul Rahman bin Auf ra. He said the most recent was a friend to enter Heaven due to the length of time used for menghisab, like from a history of Aisha ra yg never heard Rasullullah said "I saw Abdurrahman bin'Auf go to heaven with slowly (crawl)!" (Narrated By Bukhari)
From Ibn Mas'ud ra of the Prophet Muhammad that he said, "will not be moving footprint of Adam on the day of resurrection, until he was asked about the 5 things i.e. the age for what was spent, his youth, where his origin, he used reluctantly & dibelanjakannya & where their knowledge of the extent practiced?" (Hr. Turmudzi)
Rich is not a problem but a problem of which we are and for what property is used.
Let's together we find halal sustenance and good and flown in the path of goodness
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