Gagasan Malaysia Baharu 13 Mei 2018

Imagine Dragons - Mad World (Lyrics + Terjemahan)

Monday 18 May 2020

The Federal Constitution of Malaya

The British had always intended for the Malays to own Malaya and this is what the Federal Constitution of Malaya is all about.

Hence, while the Federal Constitution of Malaya (now Malaysia) is supreme, the Agong is more supreme (and the Conference of Rulers is even more supreme than the Agong). And this is spelled out in Articles 4, 32, 38 and 40 of the Federal Constitution of Malaya (now Malaysia).

What many do not wish to admit is that the British always intended for Malaya to be owned by the Malays and for the immigrants, who would be given citizenship, to be “second-class” citizens of Malaya. What is written in the Federal Constitution of Malaya is proof of this.

The British never intended for the non-Malays to be equal to the Malays or for the other religions to be equal to Islam. And to make sure the Federal Constitution of Malaya is protected, the British gave the Agong and the Conference of Rulers certain powers that even the Federal Constitution of Malaya (now Malaysia) cannot touch.

This is also what the late Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Dr Khoo Kay Kim said.

[16/05, 8:25 pm] FB Noraida: Article number: 4

● (1) This Constitution is the supreme law of the Federation and any law passed after Merdeka Day which is inconsistent with this Constitution shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void.

Article number: 32

● (1) There shall be a Supreme Head of the Federation, to be called the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, who shall take precedence over all persons in the Federation and shall not be liable to any proceedings whatsoever in any court.

Article number: 38

● (4) No law directly affecting the privileges, position, honours or dignities of the Rulers shall be passed without the consent of the Conference of Rulers.

● (5) The Conference of Rulers shall be consulted before any change in policy affecting administrative action under Article 153 is made.

Article number: 40a

● (2) The Yang di-Pertuan Agong may act in his discretion in the performance of the following functions, that is to say –

❍ (a) The appointment of a Prime Minister;

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