Gagasan Malaysia Baharu 13 Mei 2018

Imagine Dragons - Mad World (Lyrics + Terjemahan)

Monday 29 June 2020

Covid Oh Covid

Archive : 16th March 2020

Covid oh Covid

Dalam the whole world is so fearful of this tiny little things that can kill people, as a muslim, I had this thought, Allah menunjuk kasih sayangNya dan kebesaranNya dengan pelbagai cara.

He created Tsunami and Tornados to demolish a whole city, and very rarely we remember that one little tiny thing could affect the whole world.

Its not the time for us To Panic, because as Muslim, we have Imaan. We have Qada and Qadr and we truly believe that When its time to go, then its time to go. Only that we dont surrender without effort but we do our best in taking precautions and live positively.

I believe this is the best time to prepare ourselves to be a better US.

Its time to forgive people that we thought ‘hurt us’
Its time to forgive ourselves that has been left out for quite some time
Its time to open our eyes and tell the person that matters to us I LOVE YOU
Its time to let go the past and build a new dimension of our new future
Its time to reflect and say thank you
Its time to prepare if tomorrow never comes, how as a person we want to stand confidently in front of our CREATOR and present things we do in Dunya. Do we stand in front of HIM as a COMPLAINER? Or we stand as someone who does all the assignments that given to us by HIM with GRADE A?
Its time to open up our hearts and embrace things that meant to be in our life,
Its time to Inhale CONFIDENCE AND exhale Fear
Its time to Inhale Gratefulness and Exhale Complains
Its Time to Inhale Love and Exhale Hates
Its time to confront and say I am Sorry and i Appreciate you
Its time to heal your heart
Its time to See goood things in everything
Its time to look deeply in our loved ones our kids and spouse and tell them how much u love and care for them
Its time to teach people great things
Its time to give more and help more
Its time to be kind to ourselves and to others

What if today is the last day of our lives?
Do we wanna live in Fear or we wanna Live in Love?

Love, D


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