Gagasan Malaysia Baharu 13 Mei 2018

Imagine Dragons - Mad World (Lyrics + Terjemahan)

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Welcoming many views and not just one

 In this world there are two kinds of people.

There are people who just want people to listen to them. And there are people who have their own opinions in their minds and yet they respect other's opinions as well. 

As long as there are benefits on both sides, that means both are equally right. Tolerable in terms of arguments can ONLY be done when people speak in harmony on the same page at one time.

No matter what, everyone has a different mind and we should respect that with morality and ethics.

No matter what, we are still facing this pandemics together so anyone is free to give any suggestions as long as it is still within the fatwa itself.

As long as it is within the borders of syariah laws, then any different views from both sides that have equal benefits are well celebrated. 

Any hujjah are utmost welcome for kemaslahatan ummah. Not for biased judgment and what so ever. People who speak with anger and prejudices, you may walk away freely as I mean no harm to others and also to Mufti as well. 

I respect our religious leaders and even in Islam, we celebrate different opinions as long as it is within shariah laws context, which including maqasid syariah.

I am only giving a piece of mind through different perspectives based on what's best for people which can be from many sides and not just one. 

Again, it is still a discussions that requires deeper thoughts and well preparations to overcome what may come next.

So I welcome all with open heart and open arms for what's best for people entirely. Regardless and no matter who you are, we have rights to discuss on what we believe could provide BEST for ourselves, our families, our communities and societies and also the entire nations. 

Still there are flaws here and there but still, in every solutions arise, it could spark on many others discussions which shall lead us to better solutions and alternative actions provided based on vast knowledge and Haqqul Yaqin. As our hearts and minds should walk together towards the right motives with pure intention.

Furthermore, ulama' too have thousands of opinions and arguments. And yet when comes to conclusion, they end up with what's best for human kind. 

We have 4 mazhabs and this is just a very basic example of how many ideas and many views could lead to the same direction after all. As long as it is still within the shariah and haqiqat box. 

Both should be aligned in some way, in any way as long as it could best benefits others the most, even if it requires more than one alternatives, then opening doors to few other beneficial options can be fully accepted, among those with different characters and different needs.

Haseena Syaakira

Welcoming many views and not just one

13 March 2020

6.09 pm

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