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Sayyid Noh bin Sayyid Mohamad bin Sayyid Ahmad Al-Habshi

Arkib : 23 Disember 2019

Hari 5: Makam Habib Noh, Singapura


Info Tambahan :-

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Kembara 3 Pulau 3 Negara Pulau Besar - Kepulauan Riau - Temasek Malaysia - Indonesia - Singapura Bersama YBhg TG Ustaz Dr Shamsul Mohd Nor 19 - 23 December 2019 Habib Noh Sayyid Noh bin Sayyid Mohamad bin Sayyid Ahmad Al-Habshi (b. 1788, en route to Penang–d. 27 July 1866, Singapore), or more popularly known as Habib Noh, is regarded as one of the seven wali (saint) in Singapore because of the many miracles attributed to him. Early life Habib Noh was born in 1788 on board a ship that was bound for Penang from Palembang in Sumatra. The ship had travelled all the way from Hadramaut (present-day Yemen). Legend has it that there was a storm at the time of the saint's birth. His father named his newborn "Noh" in honour of Prophet Noh (Noah), upon which the storm calmed. The family name – Habasy or Habashah – is Arabic for Ethiopia, a reference to an ancestor who resided there for nearly 20 years. Habib Noh was a descendant of the Prophet Muhammed. His father, Habib Muhammad, was known for his compassion towards would-be thieves who tried to steal from him. The Penang governor rewarded his efforts at reducing crime in Penang with a monthly token of $30. Habib Noh grew up in Penang under the care of his aunt, Sharifah Seha, and later worked at Telok Air Tawar in Butterworth. Habib Noh’s maqam (tomb) at Palmer Road remains honoured in Penang, where he is known as Tuan Putih (“White Master” in Malay). Accomplishments In 1819, Habib Noh was invited by Habib Salim bin Abdullah Ba Sumayr, a Naqshbandi sufi from Hadramaut, to take up residence in the newly established trading port of Singapore. Habib Noh became an influential and highly revered figure in the Muslim community. He travelled throughout Malaya, teaching the tenets of Islam to the people. Habib Noh was known for his compassion, especially to children and particularly orphans, and often gave them sweets and money. More importantly, he gave regular talks and advice to the community and even to children. Habib Noh was also recognised for performing the tahnik, a ritual of offering honey to a newborn followed by a supplication. Such was his influence that even today, parents bring their babies to his tomb for such blessings. A reflective and religious man, Habib Noh was known to pray through the night, sometimes at Muslim cemeteries where he would recite holy verses and pray for the dead until dawn. He often escaped to Mount Palmer where he would perform khalwat, a form of worship through invocation and contemplation. Habib Noh was believed to have spiritual powers, such as the ability to transport himself, purportedly to as far away as Mecca. Stories also abound of him miraculously healing people, especially children, for whom he had a strong affinity. He also had an ability to foretell events, particularly of people with needs or illnesses. Habib Noh was also known to be fascinated with Chinese operas, often taking front- row seats. Although he did not understand the language, he claimed to receive insights from these performances. A controversial figure, Habib Noh was seen by the authorities as a Robin Hood of sorts, often obtaining goods from shopkeepers for the poor. He was imprisoned several times for petty crimes although shopkeepers were often more than willing to have him take their goods to help the impoverished. Death Habib Noh died at the home of Temenggong Abu Bakar, a member of the Johor royal family, in Telok Blangah on 27 July 1866 at the age of 78. Thousands from Singapore, Johor and the surrounding islands paid him their last respects. Habib Noh was buried on the peak of Mount Palmer as he had requested, and a shrine – Keramat Habib Noh – was built over the tomb. The tomb was first refurbished in 1890 by Syed Mohamad bin Ahmad Alsagoff (Nongchik), a member of the prominent Alsagoff family in Singapore, and again in the 1980s with a building constructed over it for preservation reasons. A Batavian merchant and close friend, Haji Mohammad Salleh, wanted to build a surau (Muslim prayer hall) for Habib Noh but the latter died before its completion. The prayer hall was finally completed in 1902 and faced the tomb of Habib Noh. It was demolished and replaced with a mosque, the present-day Haji Muhammad Salleh Mosque, in 1903.


Deskripsi daripada Studions Production :

Pada generasi sekarang mungkin belum mengenali lebih dekat siapa sebenarnya Habib Nuh yang makamnya di Singapura. Besar rahmatnya apabila sesuatu makam sentiasa dikunjungi lagi-lagi makam tersebut dari seorang yang bertaraf wali. Selain itu secara lahiriah para wali ini jasadnya sahaja sudah mati tetapi karomahnya kekal sehingga kini. Insyaallah saya akan kongsikan sejarah berkaitan keramat makam Habib Nuh, waliyullah di Tanah Melayu. Nantikan penerangan video pada hari ini (16 Julai 2021). Sumber: Hakikat Insan (FB)

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