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Have a healthy and meaningful puasa

Archive : 05th May 2019

Healthy Eating Basic 

Bismillah, lets have a more healthier for Ramadhan ❤️

We fast for various reasons namely for health purposes or as a religious practice. For Muslims, fasting during the holy month of Ramadhan each year is a duty that must be fulfilled.

Research by scientists have shown that fasting or reducing one's intake of food not only helps one lose weight but can also provide health benefits and promote longevity. Yet we often hear of occurrences whereby one feels tired, lethargic, experience head aches, weight gain and easily fall ill when fasting. Why do these symptoms arise? They could be due to an inadequate diet during the fasting period.

What measures can we take to correct this?

We must first understand our overall nutritional needs:

1. When breaking fast, hunger experienced throughout the day will drive us to eat excessively.

2. The foods we eat are largely made up of carbohydrates like rice, noodles, kuih or cakes and sugared drinks. These lack nutritional value, are fattening and could later lead to health problems.

These foods are packed with calories only and do not give us the nutrients our bodies require like protein, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, phytofactors, fibre and antioxidants.

We should not only eat to fill our empty stomachs but to provide ourselves with nutrients that are vital especially when fasting. It is recommended to break fast by eating fruits. Kuih or traditional cakes that are steamed or oven-baked are also healthier than those that are fried.

Likewise, you are encouraged to eat fruits and vegetables during "sahur." Taking vitamins and supplements will also help our bodies replenish optimal nutrient levels. There are many Nutrilite products available to help us achieve this.

Here are some nutritional guidelines to ensure a healthy puasa month :

  • Limit your intake of processed foods.
  • Reduce your intake of oily or fried foods. Replace them with foods that are steamed or boiled.
  • Eat more fruits and fresh vegetables.
  • Choose white meat like chicken breast or fish instead of red meat like beef and mutton.
  • Reduce consumption of coffee, carbonated drinks and cordials.
  • Drink adequate amounts of water filtered by the AMWAY Water Treatment System.
  • Supplement your diet with Nutrilite products.

The following is a simple list of recipes incorporating Nutrilite products that you can adopt to break fast, after your "terawih" prayers and for "sahur."

Recipe for Breaking Fast (for 1 person)

Eat at least 3 types of fruits like mangoes, apples, pears, guavas, papayas, pineapples, watermelons and so forth. This provides solids and fibre to satiate your empty stomach. To obtain amino acids, vitamins and other nutrients, a liquid-based diet is recommended.

After "Terawih" Prayers

If you find that you're still hungry after "terawih" prayers, eat rice with dishes, kuih or capati with fish / chicken that is not oily or fried. Vegetable oil has been shown to have negative effects especially when used for frying. Consider also taking 3 Nutrilite Fruit and Vegetable Fibre supplements as a substitute for rice. This fills you up and provides you with fibre needed to prevent constipation and other health problems.

Don't forget to eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

The carbohydrate content of foods we eat these days, like rice, beehoonkoay teow, roti canai and bread, are high. What more if they are fried with vegetable oil that contains "trans fatty acids and free radicals." All these can cause harmful effects to our health.

With the good nutritional practices advocated here, we hope you will maintain a healthy mind and body throughout this puasa season.

Have a healthy and meaningful puasa.

By Dr Abdul Aziz Kechil

Salam Ramadhan, With Love From Diyana, Fakhrul & Rinn ❤️❤️❤️

#info #tips #kesihatan #ramadan

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